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"Consider The Teapot" a week-long ceramic workshop at Arrowmont Workshop

Workshop title: “Consider the Teapot”


Workshop summary: An investigation of the teapot for function, aesthetics, and possibilities.


Workshop Description:

In this workshop, students will expand their horizon through exploration of the ceramic teapot and its many possibilities. Using both handbuilding and wheel-throwing techniques, we will learn how to create separate parts that function well together, as well as assemble them to create an object that makes sense. Through demonstrations, discussions, and exercises, we will study the history, function, and aesthetics of the teapot, and learn how to deliver your voice through this fascinating object. There will be some tea serving demonstrations and tea tastings to further understand the function. Open to all skill levels, however some previous clay experience will be helpful. Participants will take home bisque-fired work.



Techniques the students will learn (3-5):

Wheel-throwing techniques

Hand-building techniques

Teapot anatomy

Surface treatments





Commercial underglazes




Developing ideas with clay

Understanding of teapot anatomy

A variety of construction methods to create teapot

3D design study in assemblage of teapot

For more information: